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라스베가스 한인회

한인회 행사

Heroes Henry Grimes(한국전쟁 참전 영웅 )

kevinkim 2023.05.10 15:29 조회 수 : 50 추천:1

HEROES, MILITARY, RETIRED       1930.6 ~ 2023.4.11                         

Henry Grimes

Sharlynn Roberts / October 24, 2022

I was born in Nebraska in 1930, and moved to California in 1933. Graduated from Galileo High School in San Francisco, and was attending my first year of the University of San Francisco when I was drafted into the US Army in 1950. I went to Airborne School and Ranger School to try to keep from going to Korea. But we were sent. I was part of the created Regimental Combat Team (what we would now call Navy Seals) and we were all sent to Korea, a place I had never heard of. We were sent on all types of operations, rescuing Marines from prison camps, dropping parachutes and fighting our way out. I served 3 years.

나는 19306월에 네브래스카에서 태어나 1933년에 캘리포니아로 이주했습니다. 샌프란시스코에 있는 갈릴레오 고등학교를 졸업하고 1950년에 미군에 징집되었을 샌프란시스코 대학교에 다니고 있었습니다. 공수학교와 레인저학교가 한국에 보내려 하지 않았으나. 나는 창설된 연대전투단(지금은 네이비실이라고 부름) 일원이 되어 우리 모두는 내가 들어본 적도 없는 한국으로 파견되었습니다. 우리는  비행기에서 낙하하여, 포로 수용소에서 해병대를 구출하고,포로들의 탈출을 위해 싸우는 모든 유형의 작전에 파견되었습니다. 나는 3년을 복무했다.

Q: Please tell us a little bit about your family.

I have been married 3 times. One passed, one ended in divorce and I have been married to current wife for 28 years. I have 5 children (2 daughters and 3 sons). I have 11 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren.

Q: Please tell us about your current, past, or future career. What do you love most about what you do?

I am retired from Delta Airlines. I now serve as the Commander for the Korean War Veteran’s Association, Las Vegas Chapter.


Q: What are a couple of your favorite restaurants in our community?

I don’t tend to dine out. We eat in. My wife likes to cook Korean food and I like to make steak and potatoes.


Q: How long have you lived or worked in our community?

I have lived here for 26 years.


Q: Who is the most interesting person you've met here in our community?

Pastor John Michaels, now deceased. I was fascinated with his knowledge.


Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?

Being a flight engineer for Delta, I have been just about everywhere. And I have a pass to go anywhere. But there’s nowhere I want to go. I’m more comfy sitting on my patio.


Q: What is one of your favorite movies? TV shows?

The Wizard of Oz. I have seen it a million times, but still like it.


Q: What advice would you give to people?

Change the way of thinking. You have to believe. We have to have courtesy, respect and politeness. Some of that is missing today.


Q: What is something on your bucket list?

I’ve been blessed to be able to do quite a few things in life. But I’d like to be able to feed the children, the children are our future.


Q: What is your go to band when you cant decide what to listen to?

I like classical, contemporary and country western. I do not like hip hop, doesn’t sound like music to me.


Q: What current (or former) local business are you a frequent visitor of in our community?

Whole Foods, Costco and Sam’s Club.


Q: If you could choose anyone living today (or has passed) and not a relative; with whom would you love to have lunch? Why? And where locally would you meet for this lunch?

Lee Mowery, my friend and Vice Commander at the KWVA. We have a lot in common.


Q: What is your favorite thing or something unique about our community?

Where I live in Summerlin North is a very nice community. It’s very quiet.


Q: Where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years?

That’s a very good question for a guy my age. I’m working on a day to day basis. I’m like an old car, I look pretty good, but my insides are shot. But I have learned, there’s no such thing as luck. We go when its our time to go, we won’t go ahead of time.


Q: (Even for friends or family), what is something interesting that most people don't know about you?

I am a Pastor. Not many people know that. You have to believe in your heart and your mind.


Q: What is the most beautiful place you have ever been?

Jenner, California along Highway 1.


Q: Favorite month? favorite holiday? and best single day on the calendar?

Every morning that I wake up to the sun out. I thank God for the beautiful day.


Q: What would you rate a 10 out of 10?

A beautiful rose just before it opens.


Q: Who inspires you to be better?

The Lord inspires me to be the best I can. I was on a road going nowhere, and now I’m on a road going somewhere and I treat other people the way I want to be treated.


Q: What is one or two of your favorite smells?

That’s a hard question. They change as life changes and things around me change.


Q: Finally, what 3 words or phrases come to mind when you think of the word HOME?

Peace, Quiet, Relaxation
